Having had a good wander round the whole of Howick Hall and Park, I drove on to Craster. It’s quite a walk from the main car park, past the Harbour, and along to St Peter the Fisherman church (NU257198), then back to the nearby gallery to get the key – Mick Oxley produces beautiful work, but rather out of my price range. Craster is in Embleton parish, and this Mission Church was built in 1878.
I was glad I got inside, there is a window by Leonard Evetts – the last window he made before his death.
The Window is in memory of Phyllis Carr-Elllison and her twin brother Wilfred Shafto Craster, and was dedicated on 24 May 1998. Phyllis was big in the Mother’s Union (aren’t they all?) and Shafto was organist and PCC member. Leonard Evetts had the help of his wife Phyllis in the making of the window. It is produced with hand-blown glass from the Sunderland firm Hartley Woods.
The East window dates to the end of the Nineteenth Century – it is one of many copies of a window designed for Sir Joshua Reynolds for the Chapel of New College, Oxford, in 1778.
A lovely little church, nice cafe opposite – cheesecake was superb – and the kipper steaming shed next door. I didn’t buy kippers – I’d left it a bit late in the day, and I wouldn’t be home for several hours. I photoed the harbour and the waves, then drove back to Alnwick, had fish and chips in the town, enjoyed Hannah’s Baliffgate Singers rehearsal, went to the pub, took her back to Longbenton – and rolled in just before midnight. I was rather tired!