The November lockdown made zero difference as so many things remained opened, government is incompetent, test and trace is a complete failure, and the virus has become more efficient. The death toll is horrendous, yet crowds still gather outside hospitals refusing to believe we have a problem and refusing to wear their masks. We ended December in “Tier Four Stay at Home”, so we’ll see if that makes any difference.

In some ways it was quite nice not to be so busy in December, but I missed the music, the crowds and the celebrations. We produced a Zoom service every Sunday and on Christmas Day, did a Christmas video – – and had small services every Sunday. I made lots of phone calls, sent Christmas cards, and Rambled on Facebook every day.
At the end of November I had walked 476 miles, and I managed 40 this month. Much of it was round Kedleston. We were doing the whole of the Long Walk which is about three miles round in a circle. However as the weather has got damper Morgan the powerchair struggles with the meadows in front of the house. So now we walk up and round the back of the house, down to the Splash Pool, then turn round and go back, so that’s five miles in all.

We also managed some walks around Allestree, delivering Christmas cards and admiring the Nativity Scene outside Broadway Baptist Church. So I end the year at 516 miles – I am a Proclaimer, but not much more.