There is a good mix of glass in this lovely Georgian Church – starting with this Wailes window of 1840 in the west end of the south aisle, Jesus in the temple. At the east end of the north aisle is a St Nicholas window. I didn’t photo the whole window, but loved this panel showing St Hugh and the building of the Lincoln Cathedral. The churchwarden and I couldn’t work out why St Hugh and the building of the Lincoln Cathedral are in the bottom of a window dedicated to St Nicholas in sunny Gosforth – but who cares? I trained at Lincoln Theological College, and have a soft spot for that Cathedral. Can I do a PhD on “wheelbarrows in stained glass windows”?
Four Evetts’ windows – Flight into Egypt is 1952, the arms of two local families, 1985, and symbols of the Passion. I should probably get my Evetts’ book out to find someone who gives me a learned dissertation on how his style changed – later seems simpler.
Outside the churchyard has a lovely crop of snowdrops, lots of headstones, and the “large severely Greek vault of the Brandling family, early 19th century”. The Brandling family home was at Gosforth House, and they had huge coal mining interests. In my days at Lincoln Theological College I also attended WEA lectures by Dr Michael Lewis on the history of railways. We started in October, and hadn’t reached Stockton and Darlington by the time we got to Christmas. His book, Early Wooden Railways, 1970 – currently on Amazon for £32 – has several references to Brandlings. I can remember more about his lectures than I can about anything theological – and I will put Early Wooden Railways on the pile to re-read. Trouble is, work (and Lent) gets in the way! This is my 50th post. Time for a party?