northernvicarwalks – December 2021 to April 2022

I started to write a monthly “northernvicarwalks” blog when church crawling was impossible during Covid, and it helped me keep my sanity. I hope it also proved to anyone who reads this blog that I am still active (or, more likely, sedentary). During Covid I did a daily facebook ramble, and this seemed a good place to store them – if posterity will be interested. I post less often now, and won’t be archiving these any more.

But here I am at the end of May 2022, and I have not touched this blog for almost six months. I am still alive, just working rather harder than I have been. If you want to see what a normal Church of England Vicar and the churches he leads have been getting up to, please click here.

I will get back to blogging some churches – I have a few that need sorting and getting on to this site. I will do the occasional walk – we are off to Orkney in the next couple of months and I want to walk some of the St Magnus Way.

I have, in my attempt to cover the whole of British Rail for the third time, been on some train rides. I will file them all here. On my draft page I get a picture of the image, but on the published page there simply seems to be a lot of white space and a clickable link if you would like to download the pdf.

Wrexham – to complement the angels of the last post.

London for the Elizabeth and Mary exhibition, and a trip to Upton Park. Many years ago I was called into the Dean’s Office. “I’ve had a letter of complaint” he said. I had led the Carols of Candlelight service, and had made a joke an American president. One of the congregation had taken offence. “Sorry, what shall I do”, I asked. “Send a grovelling reply, and file his complaint in your Upton Park folder,” said Neil. I looked confused, “Upton Park folder?” “You’re a railway enthusiast,” he said, “Upton Park.” “East London, not far from Barking.” “Yes, two stops short of Barking. Every Vicar needs an Upton Park folder.”

Nottingham trams.

Manchester trams.

Huddersfield, Mirfield, Grand Central, and some obscure curves in Yorkshire.

Chiltern to London, then the London, Tilbury and Southend. Southend Pier and the Tilbury Gravesend ferry. Rather a lot packed in to one day.

Tyne and Wear Metro

Bury St Edmunds

The delights of Toton Yard.

The Leek and Rudyard Railway.

Various bits of East London, Jubilee and Victoria lines – and Battersea Power Station station.

Selwyn the cat thinks I am mad. He is probably right.

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One Response to northernvicarwalks – December 2021 to April 2022

  1. Basia says:

    love the barking pun!

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