Kirk Langley, Derbyshire – St Michael’s

St Michael Kirk Langley is at SK286388, just south of the main road. It is mainly C14, with a couple of Victorian restorations. Fascinating roof line, all bits and pieces out together – I like what I assume is a Victorian chimney. A rather wonderful memorial on the outside south wall.

The main door is the west door, and I failed to get a photo of the interior of the church. I did look up to the roof. The font is C13 with a C17 cover.

An interesting selection of memorials. This chest tomb is to Henry Pole (died 1559) and his wife – Pevsner does not give us her name, but a notice in church says she is Dorothea. A nearby memorial is to Alice Beresford (died 1511). The one that caught my eye was to One to John Meynell “suddenly deprived of life by a collision of carriages on the Midland Counties Railway.” On 19 May 1851 the driver of the 2105 from Derby to Leeds suffered a broken pump-rod at Clay Cross station. The driver stopped to remove the broken part, and the train was hit from behind by a goods train. 2 people died and 16 were injured. The Inquest blamed the driver of the goods train but also condemned the railway company practice of allowing a goods train to follow a passenger train with a gap of only 5 minutes, the lack of a night signal man at Clay Cross, and the regular practice of allowing trains to stop at stations which were not intended in the timetable.

Some nice Victorian glass – St George, Crucifixion, Paul and John, and the East Window by Burlison and Grylls.

It was nice to see a village church, open and welcoming. At least, it was open for the meeting I was attending – there is nothing on its website which says whether it usually is.

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