Having been to Grosvenor Museum we walked back through the town and stopped at St Peter’s Church – https://www.chesterstpeter.org.uk/. It is right in the centre, SJ 405663, at the crossing of Eastgate, Northgate, Watergate and Bridge Street, on the foundation of the Roman headquarters. It was founded by Ethelfleda, the daughter of Alfred the Great, in 907 AD. Much of the building is C15. It comes across as a lively Evangelical church, and they have a good café – highly recommended. Interesting monuments by the snacks.

I like this gentleman, Gulielmo Wall, but my Latin is not good enough to translate it. Hopefully one of my contacts can.

A serious-minded man with extremely mild manners, comrade of the best and courteous to all, sparing towards himself rather than of his possessions, towards the public, generous; towards the poor, lavish; One mindful of his virtues, and a cultivator of memory. My friend Deb has been kind enough to translate it – and I’ve attached her full pdf. Thanks!

By the door is a niche in a pillar – before the Reformation this would probably have contained a statue of the Virgin and Child. It is surrounded by pre-Reformation fresco, covered over during the Civil War. You can make out scenes of the nativity and crucifixion. They also have a Breeches Bible, 1579 – Genesis 3.7 “and they sowed figge-tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches” (one of my favourite translations!).

The lights on the font work rather well in a rather gloomy church entrance.

Most of the stained glass is Victorian, though there is some nice modern glass too.

The lighting board made me smile, as did the blackboard.