Brentingby and Wyfordby, Leicestershire

We left Melton on the B676 and turned right to Brentingby, where the church is now a house. I didn’t stop and photo it as I didn’t feel I should, but then found out that the tower is owned/managed by the Churches Conservation Trust and I could have done – website. Here is their photo.

The next church is St Mary Wyfordby – SK793189. The noticeboard is blank, the door is firmly locked, the lead has gone. The church is mentioned on “A church near you” with a contact number for the Secretary, but no mention on any services. A newspaper report tells of a sponsored walk to raise money in 2014, and then the lead went at the beginning of last year. There is a Ride and Stride page from 2016 – website – to raise money for a new roof. They have a mountain to climb, and the question has to be asked how we maintain and protect a Grade II listed church (or do we?).

We crossed the Melton-Stamford line at SK798189. It is a level crossing where you drive up the gates and the signaller opens them for you. In 2013 there was an advert for a “Signaller Grade 1 Crossing Keeper” based here. I know I should have applied. A previous keeper was featured on the bbc – website – 13 years later the crossing is still open and staffed.



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