Hadrian’s Wall Exploration 12 – The Wall in western Newcastle

When walking the Hadrian’s Wall National Trail (did I mention I have walked the Wall?) you leave the line of the Wall at Heddon and head to Wallsend along the River. The Wall did not go that way. You can still see some remains along the West Road and I took these photos back in 2011 when dad came and visited. From west to east, little has been found in Throckley. Gareth’s house was just south of the Wall – on the many occasions during the Scottish Referendum debate when commentators talked about “rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall” we were glad we had a foot in both countries. Various turrets have been excavated, but the first Wall you can see is on the south side of the A69 dual carriageway, just west of the A1. This was uncovered in 1947.

1 - nov photos 012Just east of the A1 is this stretch, excavated in 1927.

2 - nov photos 0083 - nov photos 0094 - nov photos 010That’s all folks! No other Wall visible. However, we have two more sites – neither of which were easily accessible when we visited. They are part of the settlement at Benwell, the Roman name “Condercum” means “a place with a wide view”, and you can imagine what it must have looked like before Newcastle grew. The fort itself was built over in the early 1930s, and all that remains now are a Vallum crossing and a Temple – the temple of Antenociticus. It is worth noting that they have analysed the coal burnt in the workshop, and it is the coal which comes to the ground on Denton Bank. The coal mining history of this part of the world is a history that has now come to an end, and it amazes me how completely the remains of the industry have gone.

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2 Responses to Hadrian’s Wall Exploration 12 – The Wall in western Newcastle

  1. kaydeerouge says:

    I’m really interested in visiting these sites – can you help me with more precise directions to find them, please? Would I find them marked on OS maps, for example?

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