Wallsend, Newcastle – St John the Evangelist

A meeting at a suburban church I would never normally visit. The church is at NZ293672, and has a website. It was built in 1955-6, the architect was G.E. Charlewood FRIBA of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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It is a nice interior, with fittings of American oak. The pews and doors were hand-crafted by apprentices from the Swan Hunter shipyard.

january c 078january c 077I don’t know who did the Christ behind the altar – I probably shouldn’t say that it reminds me of the dementors in Harry Potter …

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Nice wood in the Lady Chapel, and some war memorials. This is a church that keeps its crib up until Candlemas.

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january c 084january c 090Why is there a cabbage patch outside? A reference to Jeremiah 10.5 (look it up!).

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5 Responses to Wallsend, Newcastle – St John the Evangelist

  1. Gardening Dave says:

    Thanks Peter. I love the way that churches have a link to the local community somewhere in their fabric … “The pews and doors were hand-crafted by apprentices from the Swan Hunter shipyard.”
    … and the Jer 10,5 scripture – I much prefer the reference to ‘palms’ rather than ‘scarecrows in cucumber patches’

  2. Eva Scarlett says:

    Stunning church! I wish I could visit it now.

  3. Emma Dunn says:

    It is indeed a very beautiful church. It is a shame no-one was able to tell you about the beautiful sculpture of the risen Christ. The ‘Christus Rex’ was commissioned when my father was vicar there in the late 70s and was always loved by the congregation, it is a wonderful piece of modern art which I feel is quite timeless. The open hands and welcoming arms just added to the peace and beauty of the building. Knowing that men at the local shipyards did much of the woodwork always also added to the truly local character of the church.

    • admin says:

      Thank you Emma – it is so long since I visited I had to re-read my blog. Always lovely to know a bit more about the things I saw. Best wishes, Peter

  4. Brian Twemlow says:

    I was in the choir the the 1960s with Les Campbell Brian Twemlow Margaret Moffett Brian Lucas

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