Whalton – St Mary Magdalene (again)

I visited St Mary Magdalene (NZ131844) back in December when the snow was deep and the church locked. On Saturday 12 February 2011 I had another go.

First thing to photo was the one-handed clock.





Second thing was the Whalton Jesus – it is quite stunning. I wonder if everyone in the village in 2000 is included, and how many refused.

The church is quite dark – this next photo I used the apple’s power to enhance.

There are a few memorials to various members of the Ogle family – and some rather nice carving on the pillars. Glad I had visited and got in.

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3 Responses to Whalton – St Mary Magdalene (again)

  1. I am currently nearing completion of a book on the history of the roles of the town crier and bellman, entitled ‘The Word on the Street’, which will be published later this year.
    One of the themes I explore is how the night bellman would cry out the time, but only in terms of hours, not minutes. For example, Pepys records in his diary, “I sat up till the bell-man came by with his bell, just under my window as I was writing of this very line, and cried, ‘Past one of the clock, and a cold, frosty, windy morning’. I then went to bed and left the wife and the maid a-washing still.” (Samuel Pepys Diary, 16 January 1660). In my book I will make the case that the bellman would not be carrying a watch at this point in history because it was still a luxury item. He would have learnt the time from the local parish church clock, which may only have had an hour hand. I would like to illustrate the point with a photograph of a single-handed clock and wonder if you might please be able to supply me with a high resolution close-up photograph of your single-handed clock? I have no budget for this purpose, but could offer a free copy of the book on publication. This is in addition to any treasure in Heaven that such kindness might merit! Do you think you might please be able to help me in this quest?
    Many thanks,
    David Mitchell,MRes, Town Crier of Chester

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